Evaluation Question 1
Thriller Evaluation
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For my thriller task, my group set out at using tense music to make our clip more like a thriller. It took us a while to find the music but I think it fit the thriller genre rather well as it gives the clip a more suspicious mood. Part of the film was filmed at night to give it more of a thriller feel as thrillers usually contain low key lighting which I think may have been too dark at the start of the clip as it's hard to understand what's going on. The titles we included in the clip looked very simple which could have been improved but they still do fit the thriller genre well, they included the producer, the actors, editors etc. Another convention included in our thriller task would be that the many different angled shots we used to enforce the thriller genre, we switched shots by going through the wall to add effect to the scene. The start of the clip was supposed to give the clip an urban feel which is definitely a piece of thriller iconography. On the negative side of things, there aren't many thriller conventions in the opening clip as there isn't much going on which could have definitely been improved in our planning beforehand. The clip in general is supposed to create uncertainty over what's going to happen next. A narrative was supposed to be placed over the clip but the files went missing which dented the quality of the clip. I think the sense of suspicion throughout watching our media product really helped enhance the idea of it being in the thriller genre. It's clear that it's an opening sequence and not the end due to the fact that the product includes titles throughout the clip and it's clear that there's more to come.
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